Reclaim Your Midlife Vibrancy with Alcohol Freedom

Does this sound like you…?
You’ve been the boss in your world going back as far as you can remember.
Maybe you managed a team at work or led your department.
Or perhaps you managed your household, making sure everything was done to a “T”. Or should I say “A,” given that type of personality.
I know it, I led my household too, including caring for my special needs daughter.
And, I worked in the corporate world for many years.
Let’s just say… I dealt with a lot of pressure. Maybe you can relate?
When I got home or had a day off (in between the pressure) wine seemed to relieve it.
Until it didn’t.
After a series of experiences where I just didn’t feel like myself, didn’t feel like my “life performance review” would be up to par should we say, I was simply over drinking.
I needed the control back in my life.
And I was letting alcohol take that away from me.
I truly wanted an alcohol free life so I could thrive again.
I didn’t identify with having a problem, but I knew alcohol wasn’t helping me shine. Can you relate? You’ve found the right place.
I’m here to help you stay accountable and finally follow through on living an alcohol-free lifestyle so that you can thrive beyond your wildest imagination.
The Secret We’re All Keeping (But Shouldn’t)
For women who have been through this too, you know that it starts innocently enough. A glass of wine to unwind after a long day. Perfectly understandable, right? But lately, it feels like more than just unwinding. It feels like relying on it.
The kids are gone (or maybe they’re still around a year or two more, adding to the chaos!), life is throwing curveballs, and let’s face it, midlife and menopause aren’t exactly a walk in the park. Wine has become the go-to coping mechanism, but deep down, you know it’s not the answer.
Throw a random life curveball on top of that and… we’re back to the beginning.
You’re not alone. So many of us are juggling similar struggles. We’re tired of the morning fog, the anxiety, and the constant feeling of being blah. We’re ready for a change, but breaking free feels overwhelming.

Julie Lively, Certified Alcohol Freedom Coach
Imagine This…
Imagine waking up feeling refreshed and actually excited for the day.
Imagine feeling confident and present in social situations, without needing a drink to “fit in.”
Imagine having the energy to pursue those hobbies you’ve been putting off for…well, forever.
Imagine feeling truly alive again with an alcohol free life. This isn’t a “wish” – it’s totally within your reach.

A Different Kind of Support
This isn’t about strict rules or deprivation. It’s about finding what works for you. I offer a strategic plan and a personalized program 1-1 together to help you:
Ditch the guilt and shame around alcohol.
Discover healthy ways to cope with stress and life’s unexpected (and expected) changes
Navigate the changes of midlife with confidence and grace.
Connect with a trained professional who also gets it.
Ready to Ditch the Wine and Find Your Shine?
Book a quick chat to learn more. No pressure, just support.